Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cold and Wintry, brief mild interlude

The cold wintry weather will last up to and including the Christmas with only brief milder spells and a lot of snow up to the Christmas itself. This is going to have a disasterous effect on the travel plans of millions and planes and trains will face major delays in Ireland and the UK.

The only possible light at the end of the tunnel for those with travel plans for the Christmas is that there may be a brief slow thaw from December 22nd onwards.

Big Freeze Continues
 However temperatures will be very low indeed at 2 to 4c so expect any lying snow to hang around for much of the festive period.

It does look like a lot of people will not bother to travel at all from the UK as conditions here could be unprecidented for recent times and also parts of Northern Ireland and Leinster in Ireland where the main population bases are are going to get a lot of snow in the next week.

As we say there is a high likelihood of the cold weather lasting well into the New Year but weathergossip does not envisage there being as much snow as we have seen in the lead up to Christmas. In fact December may turn out to be the snowiest month of the Winter but it is still too early to say and January rarely brings quiet weather.