Saturday, July 30, 2022

Mixed August but still warm

 Irelands weather for August looks pretty mixed but quite warm mostly with temperatures ranging 16 to 24c most days. 

The start of the month is quite damp before some settled weather dominates until mid month. This will continue on and off after midmonth but by then there will be more disturbances in the North and West with cooler nights settling in too. 

Rainfall for the month in Ireland will not be as high as recent years but will be near normal in the West and North. 

Monday, July 4, 2022

Hot July for some

 July looks like it will be the hottest month of Summer 2022 as temperatures in the mid twenties will be widespread mid month. Parts of the West and North of Ireland have not seen temperatures above 20c in 2022 so this will be a welcome and sudden change. But almost as sudden will be a Thundery breakdown in the weather as we revert back to the cool unsettled weather with showers for the second half of July and temperatures in the mid teens once again.